Baby Gear

Thursday, November 8, 2012
 Lately (between my exhausting tasks of making tea, working out, and cooking..) I have been peaking around on the internet reading reviews, browsing websites, and making "wish lists" of baby items. Since we won't know what we're having until early next week I have to force myself not to be getting to taken away by any sex-specific clothing, nursery items, and any other gear. So I focus mostly on gender neutral classic pieces. Here are a few picks:

A soft set in a beautiful light grey 
(by one of my favorite brands too!)
I've read nothing but great reviews about this brand.
These blankets will make great swaddles, light blankets, and light car seat cover.

Another pick from this great brand.
It's an electronic feeding diary, room temp. indicator, sound machine, nightlight and clock.
-All in ONE!
(oh and the star theme going.. totally not intentional!)

I have been swooning over this crib for quite some time!
The natural and white combo is so effortlessly cool and timeless.

I will be wearing the baby as often as possible.
(enter the baby kicking me!!! I think that's a "yes please" from the little one)
It's a no brainer for having to get stuff done around the house.

For the Nursery to keep baby healthy and happy. 
Might have to get one for myself soon to help with prego nose.

Great brand- comes with changing pad, wipe case, and lots of pockets. 
In a fun rugged material that's also dad friendly!

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