Some Midweek Motivation

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I have a bit on my mind that I've been thinking about for entirely too long.
It's kind of my thing.. thinking too much. 
I work my poor brain and heart up with back and forth banter, 
indecisiveness, and hesitation. 
What if I fail?
What if I embarrass myself?
But when I finally do just do it
(because I always end up doing it in the end)
I feel awesome,
kindaa of like a super hero.

From my experience the regret that stings the most 
is inaction. 

So if you're on the fence about doing something..
consider this your sign from the universe.


  1. oh i do the same thing, like all of the time. i would so much rather hide safely in my box than potentially do something and flop! oh well. guess this is my sign from the universe... to not do that. :)

    1. Brittany! I get excited to see when I have comments from you. I have a blog crush on you ;) haha


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