It feels like summer is already going by too fast so we've been making the effort to really get outside and soak it all in. Vivian and I spend most of the time outside in the back yard running through sprinklers (she counts "shree, shree, shree….. GO!") then laying on a quilt until we're dry and warm only to have her grab my hand and say "again!".
We eat entire watermelon or pineapples in a day, and find all kinds of new and odd combinations to put into smoothies which end up being put in popsicle molds.
We water the garden and the grass (let not forget mommy)!
Then when we've had enough and little girl decides it's time we go inside to nurse and fall asleep for a much needed nap.
Sometimes when we're laying on the quilt still wet from the sprinkler I'll look over and see Vivian looking at me and we'll whisper a little back and forth. I'll take note of her squishy cheeks with little drops of water on them and the cute way her eyes squint when she turns to the sun. A part of me wishes I had my camera in those moments and aches at the thought of this moment fleeing, but the other (more present..) part of me stays still and just takes it in. It's these moments that I know I'll remember most vividly when I'm old and gray, maybe looking at my baby holding her baby.
ahhh summer IS going by way way too fast!! and oh i love your back yard!!