A Little Inspiration..

Thursday, March 13, 2014
My Crossfit journey has been off and on until pretty recently. I started out doing it by myself at the gym where I worked. Then went to the local box for a few months at a time. I really got into it when Kevin came back from deployment and we went together. I was seeing some awesome progress and was feeling great…. then I found out we were having a baby! Haha, perfect timing ;)

I worked out, but obviously didn't make any PRs while prego. After Vivian was born I was excited to get back in the gym and under the bar. I wasn't eager to "loose the baby weight" because I knew it would come off eventually. I missed the feeling of doing something I didn't think I could do. Being my own damn hero!
 Alas! I'm only human..  and I tend to get stressed out if I don't make progress at a "fast" enough rate, or when I see scores higher than mine on the board at the gym. I get frustrated with my body when it won't do what I want it to do. I would love to train 5/6 days a week, maybe sometimes twice a day. "I want to be in the running for regionals!" But I have this beautiful little 11 month old who needs me and doesn't have patients for two-a-days ;)

I'm so distracted by my short comings that I forget to celebrate my victories. I'm reminded of this the most when I see my friends at the box jump up and down with a huge grin when they finally link up double unders, or get their first muscle up.

So while I might not be top 10 in my region, unable to deadlift 400 pounds, and still only make it to the gym 2/3 times a week- I'm stronger than I was a year ago. 

That's what it's all about- being better then you were yesterday. Little by little you're getting stronger, faster, and healthier.
It's about the journey, and sometimes the journey requires that you do a little "cha-cha".. 

To the double under masters, jumping pull up queens, and practice bar rockstars..
YOU are my heroes

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