Thankful 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
  Last Thanksgiving I remember thinking how thankful I was to be pregnant and have the chance to become a mother, I was also thankful to be in Idaho with Kevin's family and being able to get to know them all after two years in Alaska. The year before that I was thankful that Kevin was home safe from Afghanistan and I would never have to spend one more holiday away from him.

Last Year- Thanksgiving Day
20 Weeks Pregnant

This Thanksgiving we're settled into our own (rental) home with our sweet and healthy baby girl. Kevin likes his job and he works hard to allow me to stay home and raise our daughter. We've made so many friends this past year as well as planted some seeds for our future. I don't know if I've ever felt so grateful for what I have.

I think too often we can get caught up on what we don't have. We make our plans around getting things or doing things so much so that we forget to take in what we have now and appreciate where we are now. For me, having a child has really made me appreciate every little thing. It's watching Vivian grow up so fast right before my eyes that makes me wish I would freeze time and really soak in moments. 


Children make you realize that the most important things aren't things.
 Family is most important and that is what I'm most thankful for this year.   

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