A Little Girl

Saturday, November 17, 2012
We had our anatomy scan ultrasound early this past week and while baby was all balled up and not moving for anything the ultrasound technician saw what she believed to be proof that our baby was a little girl!! 

Because she was so balled up the tech wasn't able to get all of the measurements she needed so we get a "bonus" scan! I think baby girl knew how much we love seeing her and took that position on purpose so we can get an extra peak :]
We go in three weeks from now and by then she'll be too big to curl up and we can get the rest of the measurements we need.

So what else has been going on? Me trying to fit into my non-maternity clothes comfortably! I'm fitting into my jeans with the help of hair ties (seriously, best advice EVER) and I'm starting to get creative with belting and layering longer shirts under sweaters. It's funny to pull on a shirt that was "bigger" on me before (and I never wore because of that but couldn't let it go) and have it fit me nearly perfectly! It's those moments that make me feel like I'm a "smart hoarder"... haha!

And dresses, of course, still work.
  (even though it gets chilly and we have to rush the pictures.) 

(and yayy for even being able to take pictures outside in November.. and in a dress no less!)

Oh and now I'm half way though my pregnancy! I have an application on my iPod that told me I deserved to go out and celebrate it, so I plan on going with my sister-in-laws to get my hair done and possibly a pedicure.
 (Just think, years from now I'll be going to get pedicures with my daughter!)

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