
Friday, June 20, 2014

While I may be barefoot in Boise.. Fairbanks will always be my home.
A small(er) town located in the heart of Alaska where -50 isn't abnormal in the winter and the sun literally doesn't set for most of the summer. 
I was born and raised hunting, wearing snowsuits to go trick-or-treating, peeing in outhouses, and regularly seeing moose in our front yard. Alaska is such a unique place and I just love it! 
Luckily I still get to go up there at least once a year (when it isn't -50!) and spend a week or two sharing the place I love most with the people I love most.
Me and Vivian will be spending two weeks in Fairbanks with my family so blogging might be sparse, except for the occasional photo-dump curtesy of my iPhone blogging skills ;)
I'm sure I'll post plenty on Instagram and Facebook so feel free to follow me there!

So from the City of Trees to the Land of the Midnight Sun we go!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014
When looking through pictures I always find the best pictures are the ones you wouldn't share on instagram or Facebook because they aren't always the most flattering/have the best lighting/out of focus... but they're almost always hilarious! 
So here are a few of my favorite pictures- the good the bad and the hilarious :)

Hair caught on a branch & Barbie arms!

Newborns are the best for silly pictures! 
Sidenote: these gave me baby fever!

Ok, most of these are Vivian,
she just cracks me up!

This one reminds me of an evil villain in a movie haha
her laugh!!

Clearly not a fan of selfies.. 

Her reaction to an unexpected flash


And.. me and my awkward hands

So there you have it,
me and my photogenic people.

Oh Hey!

Monday, June 16, 2014

It was time for a change on my blog!! 
"Barefoot in Boise"
I had been playing with the idea of changing the name of my blog for some time since most of the time it's about me and my musings and not so much about our "family" (although you don't get one without the other!). I had a few names I liked, but this one really felt good and it is one that we can keep around for awhile. The new blog design really drives the makeover home for me, I still have a few things to fix but it's already my favorite little piece of the internet.
I have been really into cleaning/purging/freshening up things in my life lately. I'm going to be cutting our belongings in half over this next week because the stuff we humans collect just seems to pile up! My mantra is currently "simplify", and boy does it feel good! 
I'm back on Facebook and Instagram with the "relaunch"(?!!) of my blog and I really enjoyed the time away but I'm ready to be back with a different view on things. 
Me and Vivian head to Alaska for two weeks next Monday so I thought it was perfect timing. So I hope you all enjoy the new look of things and I hope to be doing a lot more blogging in the future!

Anniversary Happenings.

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Another anniversary has come and gone (swoon!). I don't have much to say except that four years into this whole marriage thing and hubby is still surprising me!

Thursday was our actual anniversary and since Kevin doesn't get home until 7:30 we didn't want to go out since Kevin had to turn around and work the next day. We started the day at the gym (no surprise there haha) I lifted heavy weight and then Kevin went shooting with his friend (again, typical Sommers'!). I cleaned the whole house and made a batch of my double chocolate chip cookies that I haven't made since Vivian was tiny. Then me and Viv got fancy for our guy and I made baked ravioli and opened a bottle of wine. 

The baked ravioli is so easy and way too good! I made it for the first time Valentines day and again for out anniversary and it keeps getting better. Since I'm Italian I guess my love language is pasta and cheese ;) Kevin had flowers delivered along with chocolate (that maybe lasted 2 minutes before I gobbled it down) and a little bear (that Vivian claimed immediately).
Kevin got home and showered then we dug into the ravioli, cheersed to four years, and ate till our bellies hurt!

We then filled up a travel tumbler with some more wine and walked our little family of three down to the park where we watched Vivian wear her self out and took some anni. selfies. Vivian also had her first taste of cookie, she was a big fan!

We put Viv to bed and hung around watching a movie. 
It was a perfect day.

The next day was Friday so we decided to head out with just the two of us and take a drive. We stopped at a drive in and got salads and fries then headed to Lucky Peak to poke around. As all solo outings go we ended up at Hastings and bought some new movies to watch later that night. Vivian went to sleep SO easy after wearing her grandma and grandpa out for 3 hours and continued to sleep THE WHOLE NIGHT! So that was awesome since I can count on one hand how many times thats happened. 

I'm quite the charmer ;)

It was a great few days commemorating our fourth year of marriage and I can't wait to see what will happen next. 

Cheers to Four Years!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Tomorrow is mine and Kevin's Fourth Wedding Anniversary!!
When I look back on it it seems like we have been married for a lot longer than four years. We've made it though so much- schools, deployments, moves, a new baby.. not mentioning all the other hardships that come along with growing up and becoming who you are/want to be all while trying to take care of another person and nurture a relationship. 
We got married young and that's hard, a lot of people who get married young don't make it. As you get older you change and sometimes the person who you knew a few years ago isn't really there anymore. Not saying that it's a bad thing, but it can hurt a relationship if both parties aren't willing to accept the other persons growth. Change is inevitable. Love is something that needs nurturing and protection through out all of life's ups and down. When you get married you make a promise to another person that you'll put your relationship first, that you won't let it slip between the cracks of life. That you'll accept and help the other person grow.
It's the first biggest decision of your life, but also the most wonderful.
It's really hard for me to put into words what our marriage has meant to me over these past four years.. 
 When I look at Kevin I feel an enormous sense of pride. He's my soldier, my hero. 
He knows me better than anyone else.
He's seen me at my darkest and makes my light shine brighter.
He's never given up on me. 
He made me a bride, a wife, a mother..
He's the best dad (and makes adorable babies!).
He is gentle and kind,
despite the tough guy exterior ;)
He is one heck of a catch, and I still get giddy when he looks at me.

Thank you for loving me Kevin
These past four years have truly been the best of my life,
heres to 40 more.


Monday, June 9, 2014
Since taking a more active role in my life lately and making some changes I thought that my Blog shouldn't be an exception. I really love blogging- reading and writing, browsing, and bookmarking! With all that being said I have always wanted to make my blog a special place for myself and my friends new ("hello!") and old ("thank you!!") to come and find some common ground. So I'm taking the plunge and will be doing some updates and making some pretty awesome changes around here! 

So keep an eye out the next week or so! 

Flashback Friday

Friday, June 6, 2014
I was looking through a few pictures and found these gems and wanted to share.
This was our 2nd anniversary. We went to the park there we got married and walked around, ate some food and took some selfless, of course.
While it was our 2nd anniversary it was the 1st one we got to spend together since he was in Afghanistan the year before.
I also had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled the week before so I'm all cute and swollen still ;)

We're coming up on our 4th in a few weeks, and its crazy how fast it seems to have gone by.. and yet it  feels like I've loved him forever. 

So yay for photo browsing while baby naps, and double yay for hottie husbands!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Summer Love!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

So while Boise has had "summer weather" for the past month or so I officially start calling it summer once June rolls around (probably has to do with growing up in Alaska where it's not really summer warm until June!). Me and the little have been spending a lot of time out in the back yard splashing in the kiddy pool, running through the sprinkler, and eating home made popsicles. Vivian loves being out side and had her first "no mommy I don't want to go inside" tantrum, so I'll be adding that to the baby book ;)

A lot of the time I just sit and watch her run around (mostly in the buff!) and wonder what could be going through her mind. Getting outside is also one of our favorite "time outs" when we are both getting a little frustrated because it always puts us both in better moods. I'm looking forward to more hot and sunny days, tanned skin, and sun bleached hair!

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