Baby Sommer, TAKE TWO!

Saturday, December 29, 2012
When we first went in to get the anatomy scan done on baby, we found out that she was most likely a girl and was taking a liking to yoga very early. She was so balled up that we couldn't finish the measurements so we got to make a second anatomy scan appointment (yay for getting to see baby extra!).
So earlier this month we went back in and and was told that she was still a "she" and everything was normal and healthy looking. 

At one point during the scan, I looked to Kevin with my adoring "look what love can do!" eyes and I missed her yawning!!! I was so heartbroken I missed it, but glad Kevin caught it. 
But just last night, I decided to check out the CD the ultrasound tech had given us with the new pictures she had taken of Vivian and saw that there were more videos then pictures! And although its only 5 seconds long, I got to see our baby girl yawn (being a fetus must be so tiring..).

This video starts mid-yawn. 
She is such a lady covering her mouth :]

Auntie Chelsey

My little sister came to visit  us in Boise for the very first time this month and it was the BEST Christmas gift ever. I had so much fun having her here! I woke her up every morning before I had to go to work (which I know she LOVED) and got to spoil her a little. While I worked 5 hours a day she got to check out the BSU campus along with the rest of the little-big city of Boise 
(and who knows maybe she'll decide to spend some of her college life here after she finishes up in Alaska!). 

While she was only here for a few days I had the best time with her. Growing up you never guess that one day all the sibling rivalry and cat fights over missing clothes would grow into this unbreakable bond (and silly shenanigans that no one else could possibly understand!)

She made the board for 24 weeks.. 
and got to feel her little niece wiggling around for the first time!

And here are the pretty stellar cookies we made! 
(note to the wise, watch the spacing when laying cookies on the cookie sheet, we ended up with a mass of odd shapes)
My little sister is a PRO at decorating cookies, 
the girl watches way too much Cake Boss.

Bringing her to the airport was so hard, I just wanted to keep changing her ticket and have her here forever! But I know my dad needed one of his girls in Alaska for Christmas, so I had to send her off. 

You better be coming down as soon as spring semester is finished Chelly Belly! Little Vivian can't wait to meet her Aunt Chelsey for realsies!!! 

annnd for your viewing pleasure.. 
me, my baby, and my baby's daddy at 
25 weeks complete!

Board by Kevin
(after he saw how frustrated I was becoming with the chalk breaking 
and decided it was in the best interest of the board that he take over haha)

What's in a Name?

Saturday, December 8, 2012
I always thought I had my future children's names all picked out and settled on.. then I got pregnant and suddenly I had no idea where to even start on picking out a name. Kevin and I would randomly toss out a name here and there, never really stressing out because we figured we had 9 months to decide haha!

I carry a note book in my purse with random notes, thoughts, and lists. One of those lists was a baby name list. We had a running list of both boy and girl names. From the beginning, boy names were easier for Kevin and I to come up with, but we never found "the one". When we found out baby Sommer was a girl I thought back to our small girl name list and knew we had quite the task on out hands.

I looked at online name databases and books. Read blogs on baby naming, read lots of unique baby names, old fashion baby names, classic baby names, and "never name your baby this" lists. Nothing really jumped out at us so we decided to put away the naming game and just see if something came to us. 

It wasn't until this past week when Kevin said one of my favorite names (that I had been fond of since Kevin was on R&R last summer) with my own middle name that something clicked for us.. and we thought that we had found the perfect name for our baby girl. 

 Vivian Alexandra Sommer

We love you so much already and know that you will be more beautiful than anything we could ever imagine.

*Also we get to see little Vivian again this week when we finish our anatomy scan, hopefully she isn't balled up this time!
 (and is still a girl haha)
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